Natural Language Processing: Tokenize and Plot

Words matter.

Import Packages

#Import Packages
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Counter
import nltk

Generate a “Bag-Of-Words”

#Extracts contents of a file, returns a bag of words(count of each word)
def count_words(document):
    #Load target File as 'document' to 'raw_file'
    raw_file = open(document).read()
    #Tokenize all words in 'raw_file' using word_tokenize()
    token_list = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(raw_file)
    #Convert each item in token list to lower_case list
    lowercase_tokens = [each.lower() for each in token_list if each.isalpha()]
    #Create list of each word and associated count
    bag_Of_Words = Counter(lowercase_tokens)
    return bag_Of_Words

Check our Bag Of Words


word_series = pd.Series(count_words(your_doc))



Plotting Counts

#Given a particular bag of words, desired counts, creates a dataframe, 
#resets index, plots counts
def plot_counts(bag_of_words, amount):
    #Convert bag_of_words array to a dataframe defined by top 'amount' 
    #ex '10' for top 10 words in array
    df = pd.DataFrame(bag_of_words.most_common(amount))
    #Sets index to column '0', which holds the string value for each entry, 
    #col '1' contains the count
    #Define a bar plot
    df.plot(kind="bar", legend = False)
    plt.suptitle("Top " + str(amount)+ " Most Frequent Words")
    #Display plot

Code Summary

Below is a class version of the above code for you to play with, note that you’ll need to specify your specific file path where I’ve written ‘your_document’ in the parameter for run.count_words(your_document)

#Import Packages
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nltk
from collections import Counter'punkt') - Use if error raised at runtime

class BagOfWordsTokenizer(object):

    #Extracts contents of a file, returns a bag of words(count of each word)
    def count_words(self, document):
        #Load target File as 'document' to 'raw_file'
        raw_file = open(document).read()
        #Tokenize all words in 'raw_file' using word_tokenize()
        token_list = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(raw_file)
        #Convert each item in token list to lower_case list
        lowercase_tokens = [each.lower() for each in token_list if each.isalpha()]
        #Create list of each word and associated count
        bag_Of_Words = Counter(lowercase_tokens)
        return bag_Of_Words

    #Given a particular bag of words, desired counts, creates a 
    #dataframe, resets index, plots counts
    def plot_counts(self, bag_of_words, amount):
        #Convert bag_of_words array to a dataframe defined by top 'amount'
        #ex '10' for top 10 words in array
        df = pd.DataFrame(bag_of_words.most_common(amount))
        #Sets index to column '0', which holds the string value for 
        #each entry, col '1' contains the count
        #Define a bar plot
        #Display plot

if __name__ == "__main__":
    run = BagOfWordsTokenizer()
    wordBag = run.count_words(your_document)
    howMany = input(print("How many of the top words would you like to be displayed?"))
    run.plot_counts(wordBag, howMany)
Written on March 21, 2018